The WTN Blog


Nuts and Bolts

By Kit Goldman, President of Workplace Training Network, Inc.


Colleen: Newly promoted Facilities Supervisor at a fictional company
Lonnie: A veteran employee on her crew

Scene: Repair shop at the facility. Tools, hardware, schematics scattered on table and floor. Coffee on table, water bottle overturned, liquid on papers. Colleen enters.

C: What the…? (picks items off floor, lifts wet schematic, looks offstage) Lonnie? Lonnie, you here? (dials phone) Janice, I’m in the shop. Lonnie’s not here and it’s a pigsty. What’s his break schedule? Yeah, I’ll hold.

Lonnie enters, looks like he just woke up, startled to see Colleen

L: Hey Colleen (yawns, tucks shirt, rubs eyes)

C: (to phone) Right. OK, thanks. (To him) Taking a little snooze?

L: Who? Me?



Safety Yardsticks: Harassment, Bullying, Respect

By Kit Goldman, President and Founder, Workplace Training Network, Inc.

Three important measurements of safety in your workplace are:

  • Your team’s awareness of the risks harassment and bullying can pose
  • Their commitment to respectful conduct
  • Supervisors and employees who know the warning signs of violence and what to do if they occur

Training is essential for achieving all three!

Ok, picture the following scenario. You’re a manager dealing with a difficult employee. We’ll call him “Jeff”. Jeff was great for a while – even employee of the month — but lately, there have been performance issues.



Take Harassment Off the Menu!

Welcome to a fictional Restaurant. Meet Roger, a high-performing manager with a very touchy-feely style and edgy sense of humor.

Today, Roger is meeting with Margo, an employee, about a promotion. When Margo arrives, she overhears him joking on the phone about a gay employee. His screensaver is a picture of his wife in a Brazilian bikini.

Margo is known to be easily offended. That concerns Roger re: the promotion.

Roger speaks honestly with her, acknowledges she’s qualified,  but she’s uptight. He says she needs to loosen up, “liberate herself from that Catholic School upbringing”. Reminds her she’s in the restaurant business, things move too fast for co-workers to walk on eggshells around her, and you certainly can’t get be judgmental of the customers.



Life Imitating Art

Imagine this: you’re attending the CAMSS (California Association of Medical Staff Services) annual conference in Long Beach last June. You grab a seat in the breakout session presented by dynamic Nossaman LLP attorney, Carlo Coppo.

About halfway through the program, a clearly distressed woman stands up in the audience, says she is the Operating Room Supervisor at her hospital and asks if she can speak. As she starts to describe a disturbing incident, an enraged physician comes out of the audience and confronts her. He is hostile, aggressive, verbally abusive.



NBC San Diego News interviews Kit Goldman

Are you ready to be EDUTAINED? THEN DON’T MISS THIS INTERVIEW of Kit Goldman by renowned coach and dynamic Professor of Communication, Jeffrey Klubeck, M.A. :

– Historical anecdotes from a Gaslamp District Pioneer
– The Power of Advocacy and “having a cause”
– Skill migration insights for those facing career transition
– The importance of workplace training for employers and employees
– The story of Memo Mendez and the birth of Workplace Training Network
– The true meaning of “Edutainment” and its value for workplace training
– A preview of the May 3rd Workplace Communication Program at The University Club…



All Due Respect

By Kit Goldman, President of Workplace Training Network, Inc.

Characters: Shannon, H.R. professional at a fictional company in the automotive industry
Managers and employees

Scene 1:  A  training session. “Shannon” is at the head of the table with a flip chart.


S: Hi everyone. Thanks for coming. I’m Shannon Reese from corporate H.R. I’m here to explore a really important topic with you today.  See this word here? (writes respect in huge letters on flip chart)  “Respect”. Some of you may be old enough to remember the Aretha Franklin song. Lord knows I am.

Monty: That’s OK, Shannon. You’re an oldie but a goodie.

S: Thanks, Monty.  I think. You know, that comment takes us right to our topic. Respect. What do you think? Could someone take offense at being called an “oldie but goodie” at work?

Dee Dee: Maybe. But you called yourself old first, so….

S: True, Dee Dee, but it’s different when someone else says it, dontcha think?

Monty: Ok. Delete the oldie. Just go with the goodie.



Can We Talk?

By Kit Goldman, President of Workplace Training Network, Inc.

Darren: an employee at a fictional company or government agency Navy
Sherry: a co-worker

Scene: Sherry enters David’s workspace.

S: Hey David

D: Hey.

S: Can I come in?

D: You’re already in.

S: Well, can I sit down and talk to you for a minute?

D: OK. Would you mind brushing off your pants first? No offense, but you’re always covered in cat hair.



Man Oh Man

By Kit Goldman, President of Workplace Training Network, Inc.


Jackie: Supervisor at a fictional company
Rich: the sole male employee in her group

SCENE: Jackie’s office. She’s at her desk. Rich comes to her door.

J: Come on in, sweetie…

R: (enters, carrying file) Great. Glad you have some time.

J: I don’t. But we’ll do what we can. What’s up?


Safe or Sorry

By Kit Goldman, President of Workplace Training Network, Inc.

Art: Shipping Dept. supervisor at a fictional company
Dottie: His administrative assistant
Vito: A lead on his crew

SCENE: Art’s office. He’s on the phone.

A: (on the phone)…what’s that pal?…you’re right, I am stressed-out. Why? Well, let’s see. My mother in law’s in week 4 of her one week visit….why? Who knows?… Probably to help Yolanda and the girls train for the Olympic speed shopping event. Then yesterday, I find out Arturo Jr. ‘s giving up soccer and starting ballet. Plus he needs more braces then the Golden Gate Bridge. You know how much money we’re talking?…that’s right, man. You know that old saying “The harder I work behinder I get”?…Well, now you do. Story of my life….what?….gee, thanks for asking. I’m not depressed enough. You had to bring up the forklift accident…huh?…who said that?…no…no…no, that’s not what happened! First of all, the guy’s a new hire. Said he knew what he was doing. I believed him. We’re way behind, so I put him on the floor right away. Figured I’d deal with the formalities — training, paperwork nonsense – later… you got it. (more…)

Back Off!

By Kit Goldman, President of Workplace Training Network, Inc.

Rico: an employee at a fictional company
Danielle: his co-worker

SCENE: The break room. Other employees and supervisors in the room. “Rico” at a table reading the paper. Danielle enters.

D: Rico- how’s the coffee?

R: Ever sip drano?

D: Great. I need a cup. (big yawn) Did you see Larry King last night? (big yawn) He had on this gorgeous Hispanic scientist with a French accent which is a really exotic combo (big yawn…) anyway he was talking about this research (big yawn)…. That shows the quality of your “social life” if you get my drift, directly effects your energy level…(big yawn)…tell me about it.
